Generate Revenue with Good Planning in 2024
If there is anything that needs careful and calculated planning, it is a website design. Otherwise, success cannot be guaranteed. Any well-planned site can garner revenue streams, while the badly planned ones are always turned into a digitally wasted space, with no one visiting, hence no updating, and space which only serves to clutter cyberspace.
Optimize for Revenue
If you want to generate direct money from the website, then it should be search engine optimized for revenue. Divide the website into major thematic blocks and then create new pages and subsections according to those blocks. It may mean you have a tourist site with blocks on “food,” “accommodation,” and “entertainment,” each of them containing articles that will drive targeted traffic.
Monetizing Themed Content
Well-defined scope of themes allows selling ad space to relevant advertisers. You can also monetize your website through various programs such as Google AdSense and Yahoo!.
Search Marketing getting commission for every click when visitors click on ads on your themed pages. So be sure your advertisement blocks are relevant to content to maximize earnings.
Harnassing the Power of Internet Advertising
As the use of the Internet is increasing, so online advertisements are getting more effective than those in offline media, such as magazines. It is high time to turn this lucrative stream of revenue on and take advantage of it in this growing digital world.
Read more : Advantages and Disadvantages of Flash-Based Sites in 2024